It’s Friday, the day before the weekend and there will be some Sun!

  • @[email protected]
    112 years ago

    The DT is a like grassroots digital community that shows respect and kindness to each other that other subreddits could only dream about. With a new moderator that is known and quite frankly kicking arse so far. and we don’t need to provide reddits CEO with more money through advertising dollars when we are literally on the ground floor of something new and exciting here.

    We can build this place however we want.

    • Hongohones
      42 years ago

      The DT which is now here is one the best places on the internet. It’s really like an old internet forum before facebook and instagram took over everyone’s ability to write sentences to each other. To just wax lyrical / rant in a somewhat anonymous fashion with people you associate with casually but seriously enough to not treat them with anything but respect, at least most of the time. I agree, reddit didn’t give a crap about our little corner of their site.