Linus Media Group CEO Terren Tong also responded via email, saying he was “shocked at the allegations and the company described” in Reeve’s posts. He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”

  • @MotoAsh
    2 years ago

    I’m still not a fan of speaking as if these are small business problems. They ARE NOT “small business” problems. It is a problem of failed management, full stop, regardless of how common or explanable it is.

    Yea, startups and groups of “bros” are highly likely to mess things up in this way, but again… It’s a basic lack of professionalism and respect for others. That shouldn’t be accepted as “bro culture”. It’s being an immature twat.

    • @galloog1
      32 years ago

      Management is a part of that business and as all small businesses grow they hit a point where they deal with this. It’s extremely well documented.

      • @MotoAsh
        -22 years ago

        and that should be strictly unacceptable, not expected. Exploiting people is exploiting people. Not paying employees for overtime is not paying employees and LITERALLY ILLEGAL in most places.

        Again, I don’t f*cking care if something bad happens to EVERY business. It shouldn’t be acceptable to abuse others. Period. For any reason. Full stop. Employment or not.

        • @galloog1
          12 years ago

          Your opinion is what leads to environments where this ends up happening. By anticipating it, organizations can address it. If you expect people to be good and do not put controls in place, you are arguably negligent. It is not illegal to work harder for your business. Culture not intentionally shifting as it grows larger naturally creates a gray area where people can be exploited.

          Alternatively, to not allow small organizations to work hard while being nimble is to defer the entire space to increasingly consolidating large corporations with these cultural checks in place. A corporatocracy has it’s own issues with organizational exploitation.

          Just saying “be better” is not helpful because it is not actionable.

          • @MotoAsh
            -22 years ago

            I am in no way what so ever either condoning the behavior or calling for a reduction in external tools for abused employees. What the hell are you even reading, because it’s not my posts?

            It is YOUR attitude that creates room for abuse. You are directly saying it should be OK for small businesses to overwork their employees, yet it is me who is creating room for the behavior?!?

            Get your head on straight.

            • @galloog1
              12 years ago

              It is not acceptable and it happens every time in every organization, business or not as it grows. Simply saying that it is unacceptable without adding to the conversation is what you are doing.

              You should reconsider your language when you communicate. Words matter in tone and content. You have very little content but a lot of tone.

              • @MotoAsh
                -12 years ago

                It doesn’t happen in every business, though. Saying that just belies the bad experience you’ve had.

                Saying it is normal and happens all the time is language of normalition. If you understand it’s not good, stop making excuses for it. Stop saying things that sound like excuses.

                Poe’s Law exists and causes tons of problems. It is YOUR language that is concerning if abusive work places should be viewed as a problem.

                • @galloog1
                  22 years ago

                  It doesn’t happen in every business because many account for it and address it in their growth strategies. I would love to see mitigations of these horrible things normalized. Otherwise you allow them to happen. I’m not sure what you think you are attacking here but you’ve singled in on some portion of my narrative and taken it in a way no one else has.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      Are you not sometimes an immature twat to your friends or vice versa? Not saying its a good thing, but when you’ve got a large comfort level with someone, one will generally act a bit more carelessly and make more crass jokes or put downs in a joking manner that is usually understood as a joke on both ends.

      Obviously there’s a limit to that even in friend groups depending on the individual people making it up.