A jury previously awarded Shannon Phillips $25.6 million.

  • @GCanuck
    1 year ago

    Anecdotally, but I (a white dude) have been told that my race would eliminate me for job consideration in the past.

    I’m not equating the systemic racism against whites to that suffered by other minorities, but to claim it simply doesn’t exist is wrong. I’ve experienced it.

    Edit: I should clarify that I am Canadian, but the culture is similar enough for my point to stand.

    • @quicksand
      21 year ago

      I’d like some more context if you’re trying to make a point

      • @GCanuck
        91 year ago

        Sure. The point I’m trying to make is that I, a white dude, was told by hiring managers at several places including government agencies that I would not be considered for the position as I was white and at the time there were policies in place that prohibited the hiring of white men. Ergo, there was systemic racism in place at that time.

    • @_wintermute
      -61 year ago

      What exactly is your point? Where and when were white people denied jobs because they were white? You say you experienced it, but you also just say that someone told you about it. I’m pretty skeptical that you experienced systemic racism towards whites lol

      • @GCanuck
        41 year ago

        So because you don’t believe it happened, it couldn’t have happened? How enlightened of you. FTR: Have you heard of affirmative action? Spend some time thinking about what that was and all that it entailed to the individuals at the time it was implemented.

        • @_wintermute
          -11 year ago

          I literally don’t know what happened because you haven’t told us. All you said is that you heard about it.

          Affirmative action is not systemic racism. Are you seriously making that claim? If so then you’re obviously arguing in bad faith already.

          • @GCanuck
            41 year ago

            First off I never said I “heard” about it. I said I was told. As in when I went in for a job, I was told I wasn’t going to get it cause I was white. And they (govt agency) were not permitted to hire white people.

            And affirmative action was absolutely systemic racism. It was literally telling people and institutions that they needed to hire less white men and more minorities. I’m not arguing that it was a necessary evil required to correct years of injustice. I’m just saying that at the time it was implemented (also the same time I entered the work force), govt agencies and private companies were essentially strong armed by the government to not hire white men. How is that not systematic racism?

            Listen we obviously have different stances on this and I’m not going to get into a drawn out argument over this. I do t care that much, it was years ago. But don’t tell me that it didn’t happen. I’m was there, you weren’t.

            • @_wintermute
              -41 year ago

              How is that not systematic racism?

              The only reason Affirmative action is a thing is because whites are already overrepresented in the work force. If we’re talking about a race, how can this policy be institutional racism when the race that you claim it affects negatively is actually still overrepresented at all levels of power??

              Sucks for you, but you clearly got over it with ease. You weren’t imprisoned for an 8th of weed a cop stashed in your car at a traffic stop.

              Keep acting like your minor inconvenience is evidence of systemic white oppression tho.

              Fucking clowns on this site I swear.

              • @GCanuck
                41 year ago

                When applied at a high level, I agree with you.

                But when applied to an individual it’s absolutely discriminatory.

                Can you truly not see that?

                • @_wintermute
                  -11 year ago

                  I’m not even disagreeing that it’s discriminatory, but institutional/systemic racism is by definition at a high level. It affects individuals but the scope is much higher level. So it cannot be evidence of said racism against whites. That’s why people get argumentative about this. It’s hard for the white race to be simultaneously oppressed and enjoying the majority of global power, right?

                  Going back to the imprisonment for weed example, that’s the kind of thing that could have real generational impact. You having to job search for an extra few weeks or months probably didn’t affect your grandchildren, right? The statistics for black men in prison for non violent crimes is shocking in the states.

                  • @GCanuck
                    21 year ago

                    Once again I’m not equating anything I experienced to experiences had by minorities. My original comment was refuting a user who said it didn’t happen. So your weed imprisonment example is irrelevant. I’m simply saying it does exist.

                    And it absolutely existed at high levels. Affirmative action wasn’t something we all just decided to do, it was legislated.

                    And just because there is a majority of whites in power doesn’t mean that a law limiting the hiring of whites erases the racism of that law. Both things can happen simultaneously.