I am struggling. Only have Shadowheart and my PC at level 3.


I killed the priestess inside the silence spell but she managed to walk out and call for help on her last turn.

I then unlocked the underdark but don’t want to explore that yet.

Now I have found the drow and the hobgoblin but they are surrounded by all the minons and I can’t take a fight. SHould I keep exploring? I found the cave below the spiders but haven’t gone in yet, had to restart that save because it was in battle and I yeeted myself off the cliff to avoid more dudes.

I love this game. As a BG1/2 fanboy and an overall hater of turn based games I felt betrayed when Larian got the IP and turned it into a Divinity clone, but I am having so much fun. It is like I am playing 5e by myself. Also talking to all the animals is so great.

  • Prince Humperdinck
    102 years ago

    At the risk of minor spoilers: I had a full party at that point and still needed help. I refuse to kill innocent animals so I let the spiders out and let them do a good chunk of the killing for me indoors.