So I’ve been rereading the original series (bought the first three of these 3-in-1 volumes so far) and thought I’d start a discussion around it. There’s so much that could be talked about and I don’t even know where to begin.

I don’t think it’s any surprise that the two chapters that introduced Seto Kaiba and Duel Monsters (Magic & Wizards as it’s actually referred to at this point in the series) were so popular with readers at the time. “The Cards With Teeth (Part 1)” was the ninth chapter of the series and it has three major things going for it that I think helped really set it apart from what came before.

-It’s the first chapter of the series to actually revolve around a game. All the other chapters up to this point featured Shadow Games that were loosely tied into whatever was happening, but those Shadow Games were always set up by Yami Yugi as a response to circumstances. The games were befitting of the people he was playing against, but they didn’t exist outside the context of being Shadow Games. This chapter first introduces a game that’s considered an established property and widely-played (at least in America at this time) game, shows off a bit of how the game is played, and then flips that game on its head by turning it into a Shadow Game at the very end and for all of Part 2.

-Talk about an evolution of art style. Probably the most detailed piece of art up to this point in the series for any non-human thing was the scorpion seen in chapter 8, “The Poison Man.” But when the monsters come to life in this particular Shadow Game, they’re so detailed compared to everything else that they stand out visually and feel otherworldly.

-Seto Kaiba was probably the most interesting one-off antagonist up to that point in the series because he already had the potential to be a great foil to Yami Yugi. Both are master game players in their own right, but Seto’s arrogance and his willingness to cheat to stay on top plays perfectly opposite to the calm, cool confidence of Yami Yugi and his ability to work through a situation without resorting to cheating (even if some of the Shadow Games before this point are probably aren’t fair to the other person, like Ms. Chono from chapter 7 “The Face of Truth” who isn’t even aware she’s playing a Shadow Game).

I’ll be back for more manga discussion as I continue through the series. What are your thoughts? If you love the OG series but haven’t read the manga… what are you doing, bud? Go out and read it, you’re missing out.

  • borzoiteeth
    11 year ago

    I haven’t read the original series in a long time, but I remember every time I did it was jarring. To be fair, because of the popularity angle Jump runs on and the rng element of what their editors decide what amateur work gets to shine for that week, you will get a lot of stuff that feel like they were on their 1st rough draft instead of being allowed to cook longer.

    Since YuGiOh was allowed to keep going, Takahashi was able steadily work out of that rough draft feel and we get to see who (mostly) everyone is! However, this means lot of the past is in a form of retcon status. Which is really disappointing. A lot of things I wished got explored only gets mentioned in one sentence and never again. (What do you MEAN Bakura has a dead sister that he keeps writing letters to??)

    I can’t remember what films Takahashi said inspired him to start with the “revenge fantasy but I’m embracing its horror” start. That part of the early story felt weak to me (despite me usually preferring that focus) because it was done in the “monster of the week” format. But again can’t really blame Takahashi for that, it’s the kind of story format Jump thrives on. Thankfully he learned fast and was able to break out of that format.