Dont even need to watch the whole video. This is all you gotta see.

  • FreemanOP
    -51 year ago

    Its an innuendo. 5 nines is basically impossible, not even FAANG can really hit it 100%.

    • wpuckering
      1 year ago

      It doesn’t matter if the SLA is realistically reachable or not, it’s basically a marketing meme and one of the most common target SLAs in IT (“target” doesn’t mean you can actually reach it, you’re aiming for it though).

      See here:

      • FreemanOP
        101 year ago

        I understand its a marketing term. But context matters and when its done with the tech bro chuckle/stammer and wink…its an innuendo…

        I mean…tone matters here. Look at how its stated.

        • wpuckering
          21 year ago

          I felt while watching the full video (before I saw this one, so I knew the entire tone and context from where this clip came from), that this particular segment had an appropriate tone, felt professional, and I just didn’t feel like anything said by Luke leading up to the last two words was out of line. And when he dropped the “six nines” SLA and seemed to be “playing it cool” while doing so, my only thought was “Oh, I know what he’s referring to, they’re setting a high goal for HA just like other major companies out there. Nice.” That was just the way it hit me personally. If others want to read into it further, well, they will I guess.

          • FreemanOP
            11 year ago

            If it was just that then maybe I could read that. But given most other managers prior tried to shove in some random, totally awkward and out of place plug or joke to lighten the tone, that is not how it was read by me (and that’s not my YouTube video to be clear.).

            It’s all contextual.

            • wpuckering
              11 year ago

              I can understand that based on the prior segments in the video, it sets the tone and the mood for the segments that come later from the viewer’s perspective as a whole. But at the same time, we should try to treat them individually, as hard as that can be to remember, when judging the people speaking during their turn. Because at the time of filming, each of these separate people were working alone, and giving their own takes in a silo. So though the video as a whole was pretty badly handled in my opinion, that’s a separate judgement aside from how each individual handled their own part. It’s just my opinion that Luke on his own didn’t really do much to be offended by.

              • FreemanOP
                11 year ago

                Thats a fair point. Whoever directed these should has asked or cut out the jokes. Really shows they continually failed to read the room.

                • wpuckering
                  11 year ago

                  fair point

                  I would agree that the responsibility for the tone of the video and whether or not certain “jokes” should have been kept in or not lies with the editors and/or whoever approved the final product.

          • @[email protected]
            -21 year ago

            they’re setting a high goal for HA just like other major companies out there. Nice.

            nice… Now it’s obvious you’re trolling.

            • wpuckering
              1 year ago

              Trolling? I’m just saying how I personally felt while watching the segment, with reasoning included, and I even said others can read into it how they will, without any judgement one way or another towards those people no matter how they decide to interpret it. I’m not even trying to defend the segment itself, I’m just sharing what I think about it and how it didn’t hit me the same way as others who took offense. That’s trolling? If having an opinion or a viewpoint that differs from yours is trolling, and remaining open to the idea that others may not share my way of seeing it and being totally accepting of that without any kind of stake in the greater matter, then count me in as a troll. Absolutely I’d be proud to be one in that case.

      • @[email protected]
        -31 year ago

        LOL That number of nines is specifically referenced by an industry dominated by tech bros though. It could just as easily be 5 9s or 7 9s but for some reason it has to be 6 9s? And I know it’s a recurring joke for LTT but that doesn’t mean you should put it, or ANY joke into an apology video of all things?! What were they THINKING?! Besides it’s a tired and souless attempt at humour that should’ve been retired years ago

        • wpuckering
          51 year ago

          LOL That number of nines is specifically referenced by an industry dominated by tech bros though. It could just as easily be 5 9s or 7 9s but for some reason it has to be 6 9s?

          Actually, the “nines” go all the way from “one nine” through “nine nines”, exactly the way you wondered about when you said “It could just as easily be […]”. It’s actually exactly that way, and the chart that shows this is found in my first post on the linked Wikipedia article. Refer to the “Percentage calculation” chart about “High availability”:

          “Six nines” is just another SLA calculation on the chart, but is one of the most commonly referenced in marketing material in the industy. That’s why you see a lot more about it online than the other percentages, but you see reference to the others out there (ie. Amazon references “nine nines” in their S3 object storage marketing in terms of data durability). “Six nines” roughly corresponds to 30 seconds of downtime per year. Maybe it’s used more often because that’s an easy SLA to remember.

          Anyway, the point is that it’s not some tech bro-dominated industry inside sex joke. It’s a real, valid SLA, and it’s not the only one. Just the most commonly referenced.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Yeah, I’m fullly aware of all the other 9s used which is why I suggested they could just as easily say they’re aiming for 7 9s or as Amazon does, 9 9s or any other basically impossible to hit asperational goal that’s nice to try for but for SOME REASON the most often quoted / used one is 6 9s? Coincidence you say? Is it super important to aim for 30 seconds per year versus about 5 min per year? Why not aim for 3 seconds / year rather than 30 seconds? Because then you can’t say 6 9 Nice! That’s literally the only reason right?

            • wpuckering
              1 year ago

              I don’t know man. It’s a valid SLA target which is often and widely used in the industry at large, it’s almost like muscle memory to some people to just cite it when talking about HA. And even if they regularly make “69” jokes or whatever on their channels, I personally didn’t read far enough into it in this segment of the video to get the impression that they might be making a sex joke. There was no lead-up to one or anything in the original context. All he said at the end of his segment was that their goal was “six nines” plus the “act cool” pose (how I personally interpreted it). And I just felt like “Okay, so they’re aiming for the usual SLA you see most big companies aiming for”. Like, that’s all that went through my mind personally.

              If anything, maybe it’s inconclusive if it was meant as an actual sex joke. I said in my original post I could see how uninformed viewers might see it differently, so I’m trying to leave some leeway for understanding of how it might have made others feel.

              I’m not saying 100% it couldn’t be one, but I personally didn’t feel like it was. Everyone is free to interpret it how they want, I just wanted to point out that he used a real term that isn’t inherently sexual (and lots of people don’t know about it), so it’s a possibility he actually just meant to cite a real SLA to those in-the-know.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      I cannot believe how many brainwashed PCMR zealots are in here downvoting legitimate points.

      How the hell does this guy have such a hold on you all? Wake up!