This is more of a 2 part question. Should child porn that does not include a real child be illegal? If so, who is being harmed by it?

The other question is; does giving a pedophile access to “imitation” children give them an outlet for their desire, so they won’t try to engage with real children, or does it just reinforce their desire, thus helping them to rationalize their behavior and lead to them being more encouraged to harm real children?

I’ve heard psychologists discuss both sides, but I don’t think we have any real life studies to go off of because the technology is so new.

I’m just curious what the other thought out there are from people who are more liberty minded.

  • Maharashtra
    01 year ago

    You should think before you began makeing pro-pedophilia claims and then pretending you didn’t, while also avoiding the responsibility of delivering a proof when called on your bullshit.

    But you didn’t.

    Hence my full right to call you what you are.

    Now, would that be all?

    • MentalEdge
      11 year ago

      Oh for fucks sake. You didn’t even understand what I had to say. If you did, you’d be delivering counterarguments, not demands for proof of claims I didn’t even make.

      Get over yourself.

      • Maharashtra
        01 year ago

        Oh for fucks sake.

        …cried the guy who contines long past his announcement that it is indeed the end of the dicussion.

        Because, once an addict always an addict, right? ALl those beautiful words you say, they need to be re-read, the flow of adrenaline has to continue, long past the logic has left the room, right?

        Would that be all?

        • MentalEdge
          11 year ago

          You’re right here with me, though… Don’t fall on your sword as you go for yet another ad hominem.

          At this point, I’m just trying to leave you with some thoughts, hoping some of them sink in and make you a better debater.