• @PoorHobo
    511 months ago

    I’m pretty dumb, can someone ELI5 this for me?

    • @grasib
      511 months ago

      On apple devices with IOS 16, they created the illusion of being disconnected from the internet by turning on airplane mode, while in fact you are not.

    • @[email protected]M
      311 months ago

      The method “tricks the victim into thinking their device’s Airplane Mode works when in reality the attacker (following successful device exploit) has planted an artificial Airplane Mode which edits the UI to display Airplane Mode icon and cuts internet connection to all apps except the attacker application,” Jamf Threat Labs researchers Hu Ke and Nir Avraham said in a report shared with The Hacker News.

      The approach devised by Jamf, in a nutshell, provides an illusion to the user that the Airplane Mode is on while allowing a malicious actor to stealthily maintain a cellular network connection for a rogue application.