No matter how many times I try to watch one of these shows that use this clunky, low polygon count GCI, I just end up disgusted and feel like these studios just consider us all suckers.

Netflix seems to be the biggest purveyor of this, but it seems to be cropping up everywhere. I can think of only one reason they would peddle this is that it’s considerably cheaper to produce.

I’d like to that if the story is good enough that you could look past the bad animation, but I am constantly ripped from the story because it, no matter how hard I try. Because it’s so prevalent now, it makes me wonder if most people just aren’t bothered by it, or maybe even actually like it.

Here are some of the shows I’ve tried watching.

  • The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh
  • Trigun Stampede
  • Exception
  • Godzilla Singular Point
  • The Dragon Prince

Am I being over critical?

  • okawari
    22 years ago

    Some of the 3D stuff is ok.
    Insomniacs after school pulls it off for the most part. (I’m not entirely sure how much of that show is 3D).

    There are good works that incorporate 3d well enough, but I’m also struggling to stay immersed when things that are CLEARLY 3d is just overlayed on top of the otherwise hand drawn art.