Are there any? Other than heavy attack weapons like gunblades and glaives

    • Sentiel
      22 years ago

      It would be great if it was automatic and triggered by proximity with no animation.

      • Convict45
        12 years ago

        It’s one of those early game weapons designed to bridge Tenno to better answers. Like Hek’s (but not Vaykor Hek) augment, or Skana’s, or Dual Cleaver’s, or so on.

        For all that DE has no idea how to balance the late game, the early game is very carefully crafted.

    • Convict45
      22 years ago

      I revisited Broken Scepter two years later. Now that I both HAVE all the mods and know how to mod, it’s not bad at all. The sound effect though… sounds like I’m hitting the enemy with maracas.