Hi! I came here looking for an alternative to Reddit which is less of a liberal echo chamber. It looks good, even more responsive. But I wonder, how is the moderation here? Biggest problem I have with Reddit is that it is becoming increasingly impossible to have discussions about “sensitive topics”. Even if you are being civil, there is a chance you will just straight out get banned for saying something which liberals do not like. How does Lemmy compare? Thanks.

    • @kwekkieOP
      1 year ago

      Removed by mod

      • 'M' as in 'MANCY'
        1 year ago

        Imagine saying a woman isn’t a woman and thinking you’re being civil.

        You’ll find an instance that fits your liking though, I’m sure. Most other instances won’t be federated with it but you don’t want to live in our “liberal echo chamber” anyway.

          • @kwekkieOP
            1 year ago

            You’re right, I’m totally a liberal now. You guys converted me. Thanks so much.

        • @kwekkieOP
          -171 year ago

          Yes, that would be civil. It’s just an opinion. It is not attacking or name calling.

          But let me ask you this: if you agree with all this, why did you come here then? Reddit would be great for you then, no?

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            1 year ago

            Opinions are for things like whether pineapple belongs on pizza, not whether people deserve the right to exist or have equal rights.

              • @800XL
                171 year ago

                So you truly believe whether or not someone is allowed to exist is an opinion and not a right?

                • @kwekkieOP
                  1 year ago

                  What is a right? We are talking about opinions vs. facts. Yes, it is your opinion that people have the right to do or have something or not.

                  • @800XL
                    21 year ago

                    And if that thing is life you believe it is the personal opinion of others that is the final decider?

                    Are you an American?

              • nickwitha_k (he/him)
                51 year ago

                Yeah… You’re not going to have a good time with expressing those kinds of views here or through most of the Fediverse. Most of us are not willing to tolerate proto-genocidal opinions, which is what you appear to be espousing, drawn to its logical conclusion.

                • @kwekkieOP
                  -81 year ago

                  So you’re saying that liberals can’t avoid thinking in absolutes? Which means I just have to accept that discussions with them are impossible? I know there are exceptions though, you already seem to be better than most.

          • 'M' as in 'MANCY'
            131 year ago

            If you think Lemmy by default is a safe haven for conservative bigots then you’re gonna be very disappointed.

            • @kwekkieOP
              -81 year ago

              I do not want a safe haven, I want a place where things can be discussed freely. But what is your answer to my question? Why do you or why do liberals come here if it is not about the politics?

              • 'M' as in 'MANCY'
                71 year ago

                I didn’t realize liberals must congregate on Reddit. I must have missed that memo.

                I left Reddit for many reasons, and I don’t owe you an explanation on any of them.

                • @kwekkieOP
                  -61 year ago

                  Lol luckily you’re not being defensive about some totally trivial thing.

              • @thisNotMyName
                71 year ago

                Well you can discuss everything here - as long as you stay civil. There are not even worthless internet points to lose. But from what I’ve read from your comments here, you will face different opinions and you may should thinking about them and your own, too

              • Rainhall
                31 year ago

                I just came here because Reddit torpedoed third-party apps.

          • @yolobrolofosholo
            131 year ago

            Believe it or not, there are more factors than political views…

      • @NocturnalMorning
        201 year ago

        That’s because it’s backed up by science dude. Go be a bigot somewhere else.

        • @kwekkieOP
          -151 year ago

          Doesn’t matter, even IF that were true, it still doesn’t make it “hate speech”.

          • @NocturnalMorning
            151 year ago

            Would you even listen if someone linked peer reviewed research to you? Sounds like you’re just looking for your own echochamber to reinforce your own belief system (which is ironically what you say you’re trying to get away from)

            • @kwekkieOP
              1 year ago

              Dude your whole way of reacting shows exactly what I hate, and want to get away from. You are not even responding to what I said, instead you start going into the trans debate itself because you want to assert your stance so much.

              • @NocturnalMorning
                161 year ago

                Yeah, you’re right, I’m going to call out assholes who think trans people don’t have a right to exist. Have fun being a bigot.

                • @kwekkieOP
                  -101 year ago

                  You don’t seem to realize that this kind of behaviour only makes it worse. Every time something like this happens, I hate the whole thing a little bit more. And that goes for a lot of people, not just me. Do with that what you like.

                  • @NocturnalMorning
                    101 year ago

                    I don’t have to be accepting of your intolerance. That’s on you dude. You showed up here asking questions, not the other way around.

                  • @[email protected]
                    1 year ago

                    “When people tell me I’m wrong and don’t accept me for saying the existence of trans people is a problem, it only makes me hate them more!”

                    Bro fuck off.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Refusing to accept someone and trying to force your own opinion on them is hate no matter how “civil” you think you’re being.

          • @800XL
            41 year ago

            What is your definition of hate speech?

            • @kwekkieOP
              1 year ago

              I don’t really have a definition for that, it’s a liberal term I think. I think people just have to be civil and not jerks, that’s the basic rule. But if people are going to be sensitive to certain opinions and standpoints, those people are going to want to say that those standpoints are “hate speech”. That is the whole problem.