For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It’s such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There’s just that extra something in that movie

What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?

  • @ace_garp
    811 months ago

    I like movies that explore the human condition and the facets of society.

    Currenlty Magnolia is my #1.

    Previously it was Fargo.

    And before that, Meet the Feebles.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Is that the one with the frog rain ? and a guy climbing some sort of pole and falling down. Two childhood memories

      • @ace_garp
        411 months ago

        Yes, frogs scene and Donnie climbing the pole.

        It’s about how adults are still kids inside, and that kids can be screwed up by adults early on and stay messed up for a long time, sometimes finding release from their screwed-upness.

    • @solstice
      211 months ago

      How do you feel about vanilla sky? I’m not sure if it fits your bill but immediately came to mind.

      • @ace_garp
        111 months ago

        Thanks. I know of it in name only. I didn’t know it was a remake of a Spanish film. Added to the list.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I want to like magnolia, I should like magnolia, I do not like magnolia. What am I missing? It seems intentionally vague with implied biblical undertones. I have tried because people I know and respect love it but I just cannot see why.

    • @goaskalice3
      211 months ago

      Have you ever seen Her was a Quiet Man? I think it would fit with your theme.

      Recently I watched that, Magnolia, Happiness, and American Beauty all in the same week and it was amazing/left me in a weird headspace

      • @ace_garp
        111 months ago

        I’d never heard of He was a Quiet Man before, and it is now on my list, thanks.

        Although it slips into farce at some points, I do love the similar social-commentary told through character frustrations in Falling Down.