I always notice people reassessing their principles once they become parents, was it the case for you?

  • @candybrie
    1110 months ago

    I still just have 6 month olds, but had some grand ideas about nutrition and no junk food that I can already tell are gonna get relaxed.

    • LemmyLefty
      1410 months ago

      Setting them up to understand how to navigate in a world filled with junk food by easily making filling, nutritious food in a fun way goes a lot farther than just abstinence, anyways.

      • @DriftingDeep
        410 months ago

        Agreed. I have 3 kids. My wife and I thought we’d raise them on only “healthy” food, but that didn’t stick around too long. Now, we try to prepare healthy food so it’s tasty and they’ll eat it. Instead of flat-out banning junk, or making it seem “evil,” we stress that things like soda, candy, and ice cream are indeed delicious, but having too much without also eating healthy will affect how you feel and grow. They still like junk, but they’re surprisingly good at self-regulating.