Hey guys, as a former redditor I’m enjoying my time here on lemmy, so let’s have a chat! As a megaten fan, I was quite excited for the porting of Etrian Odissey HD trilogy, and I’m really enjoying it thus far.

I’ve started from the first entry — I know it’s aged like milk by today standards, but I find it quite charming, and those 2d arts are lit.

What other titles by Atlus are you playing or have played?

  • @dsm
    32 years ago

    have played tokyo mirage sessions if that counts, SMT 3 re-release, SMT V, catherine full body and persona 5 royal and strikers. Have persona 4 golden downloaded but not touched it yet. Waiting for tactica, 3 reload and metaphor. Hoping for a port of IV and advance, strange journey and radiant historia

    • @bucciaratiOP
      32 years ago

      How’s catherine? Always heard good reviews but never got around to play it

      • @dsm
        32 years ago

        never thought i’d like a puzzle game but it was fun and the story was engaging enough

      • @joestaenM
        22 years ago

        catherine is fuckin great

        but full body is quite poopy anus, as atlus rereleases often are

        just play the original on pc

        • neco arc
          12 years ago

          yea play catherine classic, excellent game