Self watering pots have a lot of downsides, but I find myself with several decorative plastic ones that I want to find a use for. What sort of plants thrive in these pots? What have you had luck with?

  • Malcriada LalaOP
    110 months ago

    Ahh I see. You aren’t using the pots as true self watering pots, instead it sounds like you are using them for easy bottom watering. I have been trying to switch to bottom watering since it’ supposed to encourage strong rootsgrown and my plants seem to refuse to grow strong root systems. Maybe I need to to use your strategy.

    • TooTallSol
      210 months ago

      Yes. It’s a labor saving process :) I understand now what I’m doing is not “self watering”. Hence my original concern which is unfounded.

      All I can say is after 3 months it seems to be working. None of my plants get a constant supply of water (Not even the Pothos); they are allowed to dry out to some extent (The non succulents) or to a greater extent (succulents) before their next drink. So far so good. :)