Recently when following a link to Wikipedia, there in the text my reading was interrupted by a word that just looks ugly: “possesses”. I find it a massively disturbing eyesore. Can I complain somewhere for that word to be changed?

  • @fubo
    81 year ago

    P is a letter.
    PO is a river in Italy.
    POS is a store checkout computer, especially a crappy one.
    POSS is a nickname for “opossum”.
    POSSE is a gang authorized by the sheriff.
    POSSES are two or more of them.
    POSSESS is what a property owner or a ghost does.

    • Yes i get that. And adding the -es makes it 3rd person present. But could we just add a bit of haptic structure to it, perhaps “pottesses”? You see, fewer s-es and more upward pointing letters already makes it bearable.

      • @fubo
        31 year ago

        I’m sure there’s someone out there who thinks that a “pottess” is a feminine “potter”.