So my brother just send me a post on insta on Mason Greenwood, saying our club should just sign him now. Like, mate have you not heard the audio of the guy literally r*ping his gf? Or do you just not care?

According to my mom he also sometimes goes on a rant against woke and LGBTQ+ people. I’m 100% convinced social media algorithms got him into Tate territory. My mom is an open minded person. My dad, while being a typical working class guy, is an open minded person. They would never say dumb shit like that. And I don’t think I have to clarify how I think about the world.

My brother is a kind and good guy but I always felt he was easily influenced. I hate that losers like Tate can change him from what he is into a potential racist shithead.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    This is sad to hear but he has something that many in his situation don’t: you (someone who cares that he’s headed down the wrong path). Some people close to me are like this: kindhearted and genuinely good but they can parrot terrible reactionary nonsense. Most of the time, I find that if I don’t cause a scene (not saying you will, but sometimes I snap!), I can reach people IRL. Not falling out with people goes a long way to keeping them receptive to what you have to say. (I know I’m privileged being able not to fall out with people over things like this. I realise it’s different for many people.) They’ve got to trust you first (sounds like that might be the case already). Then it’s possible to find out what they think and why. Then you can take apart their framework slowly and step by step.

    If you know he goes on anti-LGBTQ+ rants, you can guess at what those are. That leaves you two choices – (1) don’t bring it up because it could ruin your relationship or (2) bring it up at a convenient time in a strategic way. This might provide a way in to expose the bullshit of Tate et al. Demolish the right premises and the spell will break.