This thread is here to encourage posting works in progress (WIP). Post your works, updates to previous posts, and questions!

This thread is meant to be in addition to posting WIPs as their own threads, so feel free to make stand alone posts if you wish.

Helpful Youtube channels for for new painters:

If there is anything you’d like to see added to painting resources in the opening comment, post away and I’ll take a look.

  • Cras
    32 years ago

    Attempting slapchop with far too littlr drybrush coverage underneath and not realising the weak coverage of some contrast paints :)

      32 years ago

      In that case I’m precisely the wrong person to ask about contrast paints. I think the slapchop kind of creates more work than it solves. There’s a pretty good Duncan Rhodes side by side video of contrast paint vs slap chop contrast vs old fashion base colors with brown wash all over that I think should be in mind at least by painters looking to knock out lots of minis quickly.