And what are your hopes and dreams for it?

  • @JunctionSystem
    22 years ago

    J: It’s a book about the utterly nightmarish job of running a boarding school for underage wizards. Currently in the “annoy dozens of literary agents in parallel” stage.

    • @wittenOP
      12 years ago

      That sounds amazing, J! I wish you all the luck in your efforts to annoy agents. Hopefully you can successfully locate one who is only slightly annoyed.

    • @IonAddis
      12 years ago

      I’ve read enough, “Completely and utterly burnt out Snape and Filch run the school” fics that I think I’d love the story, ha.

      (Not saying your mains are, uh…crotchetty and somewhat-to-actually-evil old men. Just that staff bitching about the nightmare job of running a wizarding school is totally something I can and have read in the past.)