For my money it’s a tie between Eurydice’s song from Hades, any of the tracks from VVVVVV and Still Alive. But what do you think?

  • @theragu40
    1 year ago

    Lots of great answers here already. To me not only is this extremely subjective, this is highly dependent on how you define “best”.

    Is it the one that exposed me to the most new music, and most help shape my music tastes today? Then I’m going with Tony Hawk or Guitar Hero.

    Is it the best entire original soundtrack, the one that best creates the aesthetic of the game? Bastion comes to mind, but I think there are good arguments to be made for quite a few RPGs. Mass Effect doesn’t have a lot of hummable tunes, but damn do they nail the feel of the world.

    Is it the most technically impressive? I’m going with the original Mario soundtrack. What they did with so few possible notes and so little memory to create different sounds is nothing short of miraculous, and they are tunes and riffs that are instantly recognizable worldwide.

    Is it the best individual song? Hard pick but I really adore the main theme of Skyrim to this day.

    Is it just my favorite overall? I think I’d go with Earthbound.