OPINION: After the auditor general’s explosive Greenbelt report, resignations and further investigations are the only way to restore some sense of integrity

  • Maple Engineer
    2 years ago

    Ford being corrupt has nothing to do with the discussion

    Well…the title of the article is, “The Greenbelt report proves it: The Ford government is corrupt” so there is that.

    But […] hired.

    That’s some…weapons grade nonsense.

    How do we resolve that?

    Well…the obvious answer is to vote him out of office but the dumbth are allowed to vote and they can be distracted with a buck a beer while the premier spends $400 million of taxpayer money building a parking garage for an exclusive private spa being built on public land with a super secret 99 year lease or orchestrating a land flip in the greenbelt which benefits 15 of his rich, developer friends.

    A friend in the US suggested that there should be a requirement to pass a civics exam to establish that you have enough basic knowledge of how the country works, the laws, the constitution, your rights, the electoral system, etc. work BEFORE you’re allowed to vote. That doesn’t work, of course, because the dumbth have just as much right to vote under our constitution as smart folks with the necessary knowledge. As long as our system lets the lowest common denominator vote they’re going to be manipulated into voting against their own best interests, the best interests of their families, their communities, and the country.