Prologue: Long time Reddit subscriber, this Lemmy thing seems neat. I will probably ditch Reddit completely. Hi everyone!

tldr; joined new team two performance review cycles ago. Reorg before I joined, now have inexperienced manager who is different than hiring manager. Things went downhill after a while, probably due to personal issues, now my job is at risk. Another reorg with new manager happening soon, trying to save myself from layoff until then and trying to save my rep. Wondering how to do this best.

  • bhj 🦥
    31 year ago

    As a new manager currently in the process of writing reviews for my team, writing objective reviews with actionable feedback is really really hard.

    I skimmed through your super long message, so might have missed something. Hanlon’s razor might apply here. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity inexperience.” But definitely go to your skip-level. Your manager is probably worried about their own performance and might be trying to save face or make excuses on why you need to go around him.