• Plap plap 𓁑𓂸
    31 year ago

    This reminds me of back in the original Xbox Live days.

    Back on the OG Xbox, when Halo 2 came out, they gave out 3 month (maybe less, don’t quite recall) trials of Xbox Live.

    Cool, I’ll sign up, play with my friends and randoms online for a few months. I just need to add my credit card. OK sure, no problem.

    Fast forward 3 monthes. None of my friends play it anymore, they community is mega toxic, way more than you could imagine, and I see my first charge as I forgot to cancel.

    OK, whatever. I’ll just go into my account settings and cancel my membership. Why can’t I find the option? So after researching it, I found out that you have to call their 800 number, Monday through Friday, between 8 and 5, talk to a live person and get them to cancel your account.

    So I do that, and after wait on hold for a bit, I get this lady who tries to talk me out of canceling. She offers me a free game (if I sign up for a year), she tries to sell me a second account to practice on so I will play better on my main account, then she insults me for a bit before finally canceling like I asked. I still remember this call vividly some 15 years later.

    And the best part? Next month I get charged again.

    So I have to call again, have to wait on hold again. When I finally get someone, and I explained that my account was supposed to have already been canceled, he checks my account history to make sure I didn’t play since I called last (which I hadn’t, since I thought it was canceled), when he confirms that, he tells me that if I had played since then, he couldn’t cancel my account, but since I didn’t he would go ahead and take care of the cancelation for me.

    I didn’t touch anything Xbox for about 10 years after that.