According to two Russian soldiers interviewed by a pro-invasion blogger, if you wear a Russian military uniform on the metro in Moscow people distance themselves and give you dirty looks.

  • @uis
    32 years ago

    I wanted to say they know how things are in reality, but suddenly remembered teacher in my school. Yep, some of them are completely brainwashed. Mostly those who will not be drafted. Either by being too old or having non-draftable sex(it would be funny if I’ll get banned for this).

    As Ekaterina Schulman says: this is unusual war. War is what Yong do, but this one is war of Old/Elders.

    • @[email protected]
      52 years ago

      I read an interview of locals from an Ukrainian village that got invaded - the Russians rolled in and asked the locals “where are the Nazis? Lead us to them!”, and were surprised that the locals just asked them to leave, instead of cheering for their "liberation ".

      So the propaganda certainly reached the military, at least.

      • @uis
        2 years ago

        You mean in early days? Haven’t served myself(and hopefully won’t), but what I know is in Russian army your only sources of information are your commander and your peers whoose only sources of information is same commander and you. This sounds like an excellent ground for propaganda.


        1. Different audience

        A lot of people were from poor regions.

        1. Different context

        They are in the middle of nowhere.