Considering how crazy expensive accommodations have become the last couple of years, concentrated in the hands of greedy corporations, landlords and how little politicians seem to care about this problem, do you think we will ever experience a real estate market crash that would bring those exorbitant prices back to Earth?
There are still countries with affordable housing like here I bought an apartment for 90 000 euros a few years ago. I was renting it before for 450 euros. It’s in the capital next to a park.
As for the places where people can’t afford a home: I think climate change will take care of that. Once we get events where death without a home is guaranteed the math will change and people will just break into and squat in the empty homes. Once that becomes popular enough something has to change or a whole lot of people will die when evicted, I don’t think any country can handle that PR disaster.
And I bet the same apartment now costs more than 200K Euro. And also the rent went up considerably.
Seems apartments the same size and location are still in the 80 000 - 110 000 euro range. Renting is not very common here so I can’t find anything comparable.
Just out of curiosity but are we talking about Talinn? I am coming from east Europe, where accommodation used to be cheap, now it is 2500€ per square meter in the capital. The last 3 years prices spiked quite considerably. I am currently living in Munich where the square meter is 8-12.000€ depending on the energy efficiency, the location and how new the building is.
Yea, Tallinn.