According to two Russian soldiers interviewed by a pro-invasion blogger, if you wear a Russian military uniform on the metro in Moscow people distance themselves and give you dirty looks.

  • @jarfil
    2 years ago

    They go to the internet and what do they see? Russian fucking propaganda!

    And whose fault it is? You go on the internet speaking English, and what do you see? Russian fucking propaganda! Where is the Russian-speaking Western propaganda machine when you need it?

    • @Aux
      22 years ago

      When you understand English at a good level you’re able to find multitude of opinions and make up your own mind. If you fail for Kremlin propaganda at this point - it’s on you. But if you don’t know English, you don’t have access to alternative opinions at all. That’s a VERY BIG difference.

      • @jarfil
        02 years ago

        Duh, that’s my point! Why isn’t there Western propaganda in Russian?

        How is it the Kremlin can pay a bunch of people to write fake news in English and turn Western social media to shit, but the White House can’t do the same to write fake news in Russian? So much CIA, MI6, all the EU agencies… what, you telling me they don’t have the money, or what?

        • @Aux
          12 years ago

          Information in Russia is tightly controlled. All independent media outlets of any kind were forcefully closed in 2022. If you want to create a Western propaganda outlet today, you have to have some people doing stuff in Russia. But once they’re there they will go straight to jail.

          • @jarfil
            02 years ago

            Well, don’t do it in the open. I know the whole world and their uncle let RT run their media freely for like forever, but I can’t believe Russia’s information infrastructure is so tight that a well organized task force couldn’t infiltrate it without being detected.

            Like, maybe in 2020 they could have me fooled, but after what they did in the Kyiv assault of 2022, when they fried their own comms, ECMd their own missile defenses, kept selling tank fuel for cigarettes and drinking the cooling liquid… that whole country must be a freaking clown town.

            What, do they need to send some clowns to blend in? Then do it, start some pirate news stations, get to the people and let them have an alternate point of view.

            Back during the Cold War, the East had Radio Free Europe to listen to. You could get arrested if they caught you, but people still did it. Tech has changed since then, but Radio Free Europe is still working, so they must have some infrastructure still in place. Use that, or whatever modern equivalent.

      • @jarfil
        -12 years ago

        Right, porn… that’s why all the Russian horny bastards can write in English!

        I know, we need to turn PornHub to Russian only! Force the kids to learn by searching for some hot бабушка porn, then they’ll know something more than typing “CYKA BLYAT” in CSGO chat. The counter information task force of tomorrow is just a few faps away!