Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/d8n67r.mp4

Aftermath: NSFL https://files.catbox.moe/avxngn.mp4

The passengers of Prigozhin’s plane are two of his closest associates and veterans of the Syrian Wagner campaign

The Federal Air Transport Agency has published a list of passengers who were allegedly on board the crashed plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin . We found out who they were.

✈️ Valery Chekalov is one of the Concorde managers closest to Prigogine. He oversaw all of Prigozhin’s “civilian” projects abroad and was responsible for the logistical support of the Wagner group. It was Chekalov who headed JSC Neva, the founder of Euro Polis LLC, to which all Syrian and African projects were tied

✈️ Dmitry Utkin . Prigozhin’s right hand in the Wagner PMC. Responsible for command and combat training.

✈️ Yevgeny Makaryan , call sign “Makar”. Former precinct. He joined Wagner in March 2016 . He was part of the fourth Wagner assault detachment in Syria, which came under fire from American aircraft near Khsham in January 2017.

✈️ Sergey Propustin , call sign “Kedr”, ensign. He joined Wagner in March 2015. He fought in the second reconnaissance and assault detachment. Prigozhin recruited many personal guards from there.

✈️ Alexander Totmin , callsign “Tot”.

✈️ Nikolai Matuseev . We could not find a person with that name on the Wagner lists. But there is Nikolai Matusevich . At Wagner since January 2017. He served as a shooter in the fourth assault detachment in Syria.

Meanwhile, Prigozhin’s wife Lyubov continues her long-planned vacation in India , says a Dossier source familiar with the family.

We do not know whether the information about the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin can be trusted. But if it is confirmed, it will mean that fewer and fewer people remain alive who are familiar with the circumstances of the murder of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic in 2019. We appeal to the employees of Prigozhin’s “Company”: if you know any details of the crime in the Central African Republic, contact the “Dossier” Center and tell your story. We will not be in debt.


  • @JuzoInui
    121 year ago

    Whoa. Now that Wagners #1 got dusted, I guess all his little green men shut their shoulders and go back to plowing potatoes, right? Yah, right. Now that the demon lord is dead, all his minions have be given free reign to do to Putin what he did to their boss. Stay tuned…

    • @Sami_Uso
      81 year ago

      Aren’t these guys mercenaries? Do they have any real allegiance to this guy beyond money?

      • @Ducks
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

      • @JuzoInui
        51 year ago

        To be quite honest, this was the Riddler taking out Darkseid. And while Edward has the $$$ and the genius behind him, he may have failed to take to account those in D’seids thrall who may now be gunnin’ for HIS scrawny ass for shits and giggles. Wagner is known for one thing, settling scores. And unless Mad Vlad has already settled the scales with coin for all those unemployed mercs , all those loyal to Prez are gonna be pissed… Hey ,you dust my boss, maybe we dust you. Fair is fair.