I recently described why I think “woke” has become a vacuous word that means little more than “libtard” in modern parlance. It seems apropos, then, that Christianity Today also recently released a piece that saw the editor-in-chief claim (in a previous NPR interview) that evangelical Christianity is moving too far to the right.

It turns out that Jesus’s teachings are increasingly considered by many Christians to be too “liberal” and “weak.”

  • OpenStars
    41 year ago

    Sheeple follow, it’s just what they do, just like water flows downhill and stars burn brightly - they literally cannot do otherwise, no matter how much you might wish it so.

    Both the Old and New Testaments have a LOT harsher criticism against improper leadership than about idiots doing idiotic things. e.g. let masses have their alcohol, easing the aches and pains of a farming existence, but a KING must be sober at practically all times. And better a large heavy stone be tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea (to sleep with the fishes) than to be caught leading the sheeple astray.

    So it seems to me to confirm the attitudes of the Greek stoics, as the serenity prayer says (short version used by 12-step programs):

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference

    In other words, it is more true to say that Hillary lost than that Trump won, and history may repeat itself again if Biden + Kamala loses and Trump takes office again (focusing on USA politics bc I think that’s where “woke” is mostly from). As Obama says, a LOT of what influences our daily lives is not what happens dramatically in DC but rather unexciting (or at least less) local governments - state, city, whatever.

    Can we, WILL we, try to do better than those who are not capable of or otherwise refuse to do anything more?