Former President Donald Trump’s supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.

  • @UFO64
    111 months ago

    That which is present with with lies needs no truth to dismiss. I trust my fellow citizens, not you.

    • @TrismegistusMx
      111 months ago

      Do you get a lot of input from your fellow citizens? Do they all pull from the same sources of information? Do they ever approach that information with a critical eye, or do they blindly defend what they think they know like you do?

      • @UFO64
        111 months ago

        They just don’t trust people like you. Simple as that.

        • @TrismegistusMx
          111 months ago

          They only know their fantasy of me and the fact that I question their perception of reality. Nothing more.

          • @UFO64
            111 months ago

            They know your a state actor. They don’t need to know anything else.