When asked about the federal government’s role, 41% of Americans say it should encourage the production of nuclear power.

Let’s get those new construction contracts signed!

  • @schroedingershat
    11 year ago

    Oh we’ve reached the crying victim stage of the troll. Nice.

    I’ve pointed out the tactic you used several times now. You can read any of the comments I made or your own sources if you want to try and figure out why 9/600 isn’t 0.1.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Okay, let’s do it with your numbers.

      We’re still off quite a bit. How do you get a “few years of uranium” out of this?

      • @schroedingershat
        1 year ago

        You are still pretending energy is electricity (the goal and context is to replace all fossil fuels, not just electricity) as well as for some bizarre reason pretending (insofar as your 7031t number could he assumed to have any meaning) enriched fuel grade uranium is natural uranium.

        Why are you still trying? Your bullshit has been thoroughly called, there is no way to pretend you are acting in good faith.

        Or is now the time you go on your gish gallop about non-existent breeders and reprocessing?

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 year ago

          No, that’s the electicity number you gave me. Any idea how much ore you need to enrich uranium to 3%?

          • @schroedingershat
            11 year ago

            You’re about to play another imbecilic game where you try and swap around enrichment fractions and burnup rates and pretend that tails assay is 0%

            You need ~67500t to produce 9EJ in a large scale burner reactor as evidenced by 67500t being consumed to produce 9EJ in a year in lrge scale burner reactors.

            Do that 90 times and you have produced 810EJ or a little over 1.3 years of primary energy.

            Use that electricity more efficiently than fossil fuels and it lasts a couple of years to cover everything.

            Put it in an SMR and it lasts about 60% as long.

            • @[email protected]OP
              11 year ago

              Did it ever occur to you that you come off like as asshole?

              I don’t get this part:

              evidenced by 67500t being consumed to produce 9EJ in a year

              followed by this part:

              Do that 90 times and you have produced 810EJ or a little over 1.3 years of primary energy.

              It sounds like your mixing up 90 years of power with 1.3 years of primary energy. (Also why are you now comparing to primary energy? You made a stink about this earlier.) The answer is beginning to look more like 100 years if we only mine virgin stuff (no recycling of fuel, no dismantling of weapons grade fuel, etc).

              Where is your “a few years”? You don’t mean using the electricity produced as primary energy do you?

              • @schroedingershat
                1 year ago

                You’re getting not respecting you and being an asshole confused. You need to earn respect by not pulling idiotic word games.

                Just like you can’t comprehend the distinction between electricity and energy,

                And I don’t have to use your tortured intentionally wrong methodology.

                6e6 tonnes. 80-100TJ/tonne in an SMR or 140TJ/tonne in a LWR. 300EJ of final energy per year. 6e6 * 140e12 / 300e18 = 2.8 years.

                Very simple. There aren’t tens of millions of tonnes of weapons grade U or spent fuel lying around so both are irrelevant.

                You’re attempting to start that gish gallop about breeding and re-encrichment again. Both are irrelevant to the topic.

                  • @schroedingershat
                    11 year ago

                    Ah the siren call of a troll who has completely run out of moves. Thanks for the apology and acknowledgement you were bullshitting.

    • Franzia
      1 year ago

      You are clearly bullying the OP. Seems like you are intelligent and like angry that not everyone else is on the same page. I think OP held their own, I’d have crumbled after only one or two replies from you.

      • @schroedingershat
        1 year ago

        You’re giving them far too much credit. The bad faith misapplication of arithmetic followed by demanding that other people untangle their exact “reasoning” is an intentional misinformation technique. Typically employed by fascists and nazi apologists, but not all anti-climate trolls are doing it to engineer dependence on russian uranium and gas so it is hard to tell whether they’re an astroturfer fkr rosatom, a fossil astroturfer, a uranium squeeze finance bro, someone who just really loves what’s happening to the people in places like Arlit or Adapa, or just a bad faith idiot.

        People who are misinformed or ignorant deserve respect. Bad faith trolls do not.