
never got bullied but I remember a kid that did when I was growing up. Let’s call him Mike.
>scrawny. pasty kid. Curly hair, ginger, wore glasses.
>no friends
>constantly picked on by everyone
>I was pretty much the only kid that was pleasant to him. Never really had it in me to be a dick to people.
>Didn’t talk to him much though. Mostly just a smile and a headnod in the hallways
>spent most of his lunches writing and drawing in a notebook by himself
>everyday, constant bullying
>one day on the bus home, it was worse than usual. Don’t remember what exactly was said, but it was bad.
>I sat there and minded my own business
>kid goes home and hangs himself
>next day at school, everyone talked about how much they missed him and how they all loved him
>words cannot describe my disgust
>his funeral is coming up, I go only kid from my school that shows up his mother runs up to me
>you must be Phil! Mike always told me how you two were best friends! He always told me about all the fun you guys had etc etc
>It dawns on me
>everyday at lunch he was writing down made up stories of he and I hanging out and having a good time
>the thing that really haunts me, the thing that still keeps me up some nights now, 15 years later, is what she said next
>I just know that if you were on that bus you would have stopped them

  • Narrrz
    902 years ago

    I take solace in the fact that, as a 4chan post, it’s probably made up.

    scant solace.