Car manufacturers could comply with the law “by using short-range wireless protocols, such as via Bluetooth,” to give owners or independent shops authorized by owners access to the information they need to diagnose issues with and repair vehicles, the letter says.

Hopefully no manufacturers are allowing changes to the vehicle wirelessly. It should be read-only.

  • @CADmonkey
    61 year ago

    I was a kid when cars started switching from carburetors and distributors to throttle body fuel injection, and then to port fuel injection, and there was a lot of complaint and gnashing of teeth that mechanics wouldn’t be able to fix cars anymore because of all the computers.

    That was well over 30 years ago now, and for $12 I can get a doodad that will work with my phone to tell me what the trouble code means.

    Of course that’s just part of it, you’ve got to dive in and figure out what is causing the code to be set instead of throwing parts at it, but having to diagnose problems is part of repairing anything ever.