I’ve seen a lot of people who quite dislike Manjaro, and I’m not really sure why. I’m myself am not a Manjaro user, but I did use it for quite a while and enjoyed my experienced, as it felt almost ready out of the box. I’m not here to judge, just wanted to hear the opinion of the community on the matter. Thanks!

  • @the16bitgamer
    11 year ago

    I have a love/hate relationship with Manjaro which boils down to its packages.

    I love how pretty much everything is configurable in a GUI. Need to install an older kernel, there’s a GUI for it. Need to enable Flatpak or AUR in your package manager, its a toggle switch.

    What I don’t like is the delayed packages since it messes with AUR. On my machine the Intel Compute Run time keep conflicting with its own dependency. I tried to fix it by installing from AUR, but that didn’t fix everything.

    Then as I was trying for fix it again I accidentally uninstalled something from the desktop dependency and I couldn’t log back into the desktop environment. Thankfully unlike in Windows I was able to get a terminal up and backup my files.

    Manjaro lasted 1 year on my machine and was very good. Especially for games. But for my needa I needed something more stable, and a lot more idiot proof (bare minimum separate the games from the os packages).

    Moved to Fedora and been loving it. Sure it took I think a month for my DX12 games to work again in Proton, but I can’t uninstall OS packages from Discover or Software.