Hey, so I’m tight on funds and decided to try replacing my cracked radiator myself. Anyway as I’m in the middle of hooking up the new one I noticed this part that’s wrapped up in duck/speed tape.
Should I be concerned about this? I think I may have noticed this years ago before I knew that this kind of tape is pretty combustible/flammable.
What is it? It looks like a vacuum canister, so the duct tape would just keep it from leaking if there any holes… But I can’t tell if that’s what it is.
It looks like this is the diagram for it. https://parts.volvocarsmallofgeorgia.com/a/Volvo_1992_740-23l-Fuel-Injected-Turbo/_51507_5701272/Carbon-filter-with-fittings/GR-55108.html
I’d put this on my replace “eventually” list tbh or just find a nice one at a junkyard.