RIP Bray Wyatt

  • @burnedoutfordfiesta
    62 years ago

    The OG swamp cult Wyatts are now one of the great “what-ifs” of modern wrestling. For as much as Bray tried some interesting angles in his last few years, terrible booking and the lack of a stable to back him up made it fall flat. The original trio had a magic to it that none of the three ever quite recaptured on their own: Bray was the mouthpiece and had great ideas, Brodie grounded it, giving it psychological depth and deranged zeal, and Erick was the muscle who always seemed like he had his own motives for following. It felt real in a way that it never did when it was just Bray alone. The Wyatt Family got me back into wrestling, and it’s extememely sad that circumstances conspired to separate them before they could reach their full potnential together. RIP Bray and Brodie.