Since it’s Throwback Thursday and all (and since I’m waiting on a driver install and need something to do for about three minutes), I thought it might be fun to look back at our first ever games!
For me, other than working my way through the old Brackey’s tutorial to make an endless ball-rolling game, the first one I ever made and completed was Good Luck With The Lamps, a very basic pixel art platformer where you’re just a normal regular bear trying to turn all his lamps off and go to bed.
But the lamps have other ideas! spooky hand wave
This was for the “My First Game Jam” Summer 2020 edition which lasted about two weeks, if it’d been any less there’s no way we could have finished. I say “we” because this was actually a joint effort between me and my SO, who afterwards vowed never to work with me again lol.
Things learned:
- If you’re doing pixel art the pixels should probably all be the same size
- Unity’s tilemap system
- Basic 2d animations
- How to make a cut scene
- I hate making platformers!
Ok, your turn!
my first real game was A Single Radish made for a Godot game jam a couple years ago. it’s inspired by the single Japanese radish post from tumblr. it was the first game I ever finished.
I learned a lot about coding, but more about how to make a complete feeling experience with limited time and ability. asset design has always been a big stopping point for my projects, but concentrating on a four color palette with simple sprites allowed me to work much quicker. if anyone plays it though you may notice the walls are viewed at an odd angle that led to way more work with tile variations. it also featured the first cutscene I’ve ever made which due to the crunch of a game jam is made of the messiest spaghetti.
I’d like to do a “Super Single Radish” one day and improve on everything.
Haha, oh my god, can’t believe it took until now for me to find time to play this. I have less than no idea what “the single Japanese radish post from Tumblr” is but thoroughly enjoyed this surreal little game anyway. Gonna have to go look up the inspiration now!
If you ever make Super Single Radish please allow me to be the first to know 😄