Seriously, on a daily basis I’ll either bump my head or various other body parts, drop stuff and then drop it again, stumble over something and combinations of all of that.

Send help.

Edit: thank for the suggestions, I will start by focussing on what I’m actually doing at the time and try to be more active - I work from home and sit a lot.

  • @poorlytunedAstring
    62 years ago

    FYI the way you improve proprioception as a daily practice is that you play drums. They all count. Digi drums, rock drums, Djembe drums, any drums, anything that calls itself drums. So long as you trigger the drum sounds with your body, in time (fingers on a sampler counts) we’re after the whole body focusing itself around the hands to create precise enough results. Just hands on your belly works. Honestly all of music is good for this. It is actuating the whole of your body in space to achieve a result, and the human body loves it. Proprioception.

    • megahertz
      22 years ago

      Yes! I agree. Making music/drum beats incorporates so many different body systems, it can definitely improve proprioception.

    • SpeedyCat2014
      12 years ago

      Interesting. I always wanted to play the drums but figured I was too uncoordinated.