I have been wondering which one is better to play in order to have more prepared teammates.

My theory is that with role queue you must earn games to be able to play as your role, otherwise you are forced to a position and hero which you might be unfamiliar with, and therefore not perform to your best. One game requires 10 players, so there is a high change someone is forced to a role.

However I don’t think that classic is perfect either, with games where offlane is Clinkz and Litch vs Phantom Assasin and Troll Warlord :D And with fighting over roles and positions.

What do you think? I’m trying to get out of guardian, so this could be viewed from a different perspective on higher ranks. I only tried role queue but now I’m experimenting with classic.

  • @spacebirb
    82 years ago

    100% role queue. Random don’t have the coordination to assign positions and build a team in the short amount of time you have. Also with role queue you can really learn the ins and outs of a specific role which will help you climb faster. Just learn 1-2 heroes in all other roles when you have have to queue for all.

    That said, if you do queue for all, you almost always get 3, 4 or 5.