It’s August 25th and it’s Linux’s 32nd birthday, so join me in celebrating the birthday of Linux for those of you who celebrate it on this day with a glass of good champagne and a delicious cake!

On August 25th, 1991, the 21-year-old Finnish student Linus Benedict Torvalds made his now-famous announcement on the comp.os.minix newsgroup that he’s working on a free operating system for 386(486) AT clones, just as a “hobby.”

  • auth
    1 year ago

    I think I started using Linux around 1995 with Slackware on a bunch of floppies… Used to compile my own kernel back then… But haven’t been doing that in a long time.

    Happy bday Linux and thanks Linus

    Back then my computer was barely fast enough to play mp3s…