Whether the recent agreement holds together or not, the Camp David meeting is a further step in Washington’s strategy of inserting tensions, instability and continuing provocations in the region in an attempt to block China’s development and its growing regional trade with its neighbors. Washington is attempting to distract from the economic decline of the U.S. by asserting its military dominance in the Pacific.

U.S. corporations are the main beneficiaries of a policy that obstructs Japan’s and South Korea’s trade with China. China’s huge economy is a major market for their products, thus aiding the economies of its two neighbors. According to the Wilson Center, China is the top trading partner of more than 120 countries, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia. U.S. corporate interests are consumed with the task of how to reverse this economic reality and contain China, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

This new Camp David military pact follows Washington’s revival and upgrading of the QUAD — the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue among four countries: the U.S., India, Australia and Japan. The Quad holds joint military exercises that openly target China.

  • NaibofTabr
    -131 year ago

    The U.S. ruling class has used the war in Ukraine to force all the European countries to cut their favorable trade with Russia and impose sanctions.

    Right, everyone (especially the US) is to blame for the consequences of Russia’s attack on Ukraine… except for Russia. Russia should have been allowed to invade Ukraine with no consequences.

    This has led to economic recession in most European Union countries.

    Considering that there was already a recession due to COVID-19, blaming the sanctions as the primary source of recession is specious.

    As sanctions cut off imports of natural gas and oil from Russia, the price of liquified natural gas produced in the U.S. increased.

    Welcome to Economics 101. Lower supply results in higher demand. Perhaps if Russia wanted to continue to participate in the global economy they shouldn’t have started a war.

    Washington’s strategy aimed to collapse the Russian economy and impose regime change in Russia.

    This is true, it is the overtly stated goal. The current regime in Russia is responsible for starting a war.

    This project failed because first China, and then all the countries of the Global South, refused to go along with the sanctions the U.S. and EU had imposed on Russia.

    Yes, they all decided to support a warmonger instead.

    This article is pro-Russian propaganda. It seeks to lay the blame for the impact of the war that Russia started on anyone but Russia.

    • History did not start in 2022. If the US wanted Russia to stay out of Ukraine, it wouldn’t have planned and funded a fascist coup there in 2014; the decisions made by the people in Crimea and the Donbas to separate from the new US-installed government were entirely reasonable considering that context. Civilian casualties in Ukraine are certainly tragic, but so were the over ten thousand deaths caused by the coup government’s now almost decade-long genocide in the Donbas. The US is the most vile, harmful entity in the known history of humanity, and defending it or NATO is absolutely disgusting.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago


      Illegal unilateral restrictions. Sanctions would’ve been sanctioned by the UN.

      I’d love some copium about what parts of your precious circus of international “law” you wish to recognize now, illustrating exactly why it’s a circus, please.

      • Anarcho-BolshevikOP
        71 year ago

        Illegal unilateral restrictions.

        Yeah, but… you can’t just expect a capitalist empire to simply not illegally sanction somebody. Not only does that make absolutely no sense, but it is completely, outrageously unfair. I mean, do you have any idea how much effort that would take? To not sanction somebody?

        The sanctions on Russia, Haiti, Cuba, N. Korea, and dozens of others are completely their responsibility and expecting them to be the ones to lift the sanctions is perfectly logical. In fact, they’re basically all sanctioning themselves. If anything, America is the real victim in this situation!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Liberals always use the “Economics 101” jab when it’s clear that’s all the knowledge they have lol.

    • @mean_bean279
      -41 year ago

      It’s on Lemmygrad. It’s nothing more than a Russian boot licking shithole of an instance.

      Look at how they talk about Japan and South Korea not wanting to trade with China because of the US. While ignoring the literal CENTURIES of history that give us various other reasons than just “US make demand.” Obviously the US is part of it, but we give Japan and SK the strength to step away as well. It’s honestly a miracle given the history we even got Japan and SK to work together.

      • Trudge [Comrade]
        41 year ago

        Korea has had a millennia of mostly good relations and trade with China before the split.

        • @mean_bean279
          -11 year ago

          Read my comment again, but slowly comrade.

        • NaibofTabr
          1 year ago

          I have made no “US good” arguments. That is a straw man you are setting up to sidestep the real problem here.

          And the problem is that Russia conducted a military invasion of another country, which started a war. Russia is a bad actor. Russia deserves all of the consequences of, and blame for, the war that it started.