So, I have an older-ish (last 5 years I think) TV that before now, l’ve had plugged into my computer, and it sits near my bed for media streaming and the such.

I had a GTX 1060 6GB and it worked completely fine, like a dream, absolutely no issues

I recently upgraded to an AMD RX 6700 XT, and now, l’m having extreme issues with it.

First and foremost, it always shows up as “Generic Non-PnP Monitor” in device manager. Second, there’s no sound driver so it doesn’t play any sounds. Third, and I don’t know how 1 fixed it, but it’ll only display in 640x480.

l’ve taken many steps to try to fix it, and I’ll list them and what it ended up doing.

  1. Unplug HDMI, replug- no change
  2. Uninstall driver in device manager - no change
  3. Manually update driver to “Generic PNP monitor” or “Digital Flat Panel 1920x1 080” or “Generic Television” -no change. Driver does not update
  4. Use DDU to clean drivers (in safe mode) and reinstall- Works, until I restart my computer, then goes back to Generic Non-PNP
  5. Unplug TV from power, wait 10 minutes, start it up again -no change
  6. Use different HDMI cable - haven’t tested yet, don’t have one long enough
  7. Use different monitor - other monitor works fine. Had an issue at the beginning, but unplugging HDMI and putting it back in made it work

Notes- The 6700 XT has 3 displayport connectors and one HDMI. The 3 DP spots are filled up by the monitors at my desk. 2 DP to HDMI adapters, and one DP to DVI adapter. All of the monitors at my desk work fine

The HDMI going to my ty has a lot of plastic around the connector, so when plugging into my GPU,I think it’s not connected all the way. I understand this might be an issue

I have used CRU to try to copy all the info from when the TV was working, to the device where the TV isn’t working. When I use restart64 to restart GPU drivers, it makes no changes

Like I said before, I used DDU to try to fix. Here is what I did

  1. Boot into safe mode
  2. Clean Nvidia drivers (from last GPU
  3. Restart, boot into safe mode
  4. Clean AMD drivers
  5. Restart, install AMD drivers This did not fix the issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

With further inspection: the TV, connected to the HDMI port of the GPU, (with an HDMI cable) is detected as HDMI until computer reboot or GPU driver reboot with CRU’s restart.exe. after that, it is detected as DVI-D. I was able to use CRU to consistently output 1920x1080, but I don’t get audio, because y’know, it’s being detected as DVI-D.

  • @WiildFiireOP
    22 years ago

    I’ve tried it with just the tv plugged in to the HDMI port, unfortunately, it looks like still the same issue

    • Waxsta
      22 years ago

      Hmm well darn, sorry I’m out of ideas for the night haha.

      I just saw you mentioned trying a driver direct from the manufactures site too, that could be worth a shot if you haven’t tried it already. Worst case, you reinstall AMDs and your back to where you are now.

      • @WiildFiireOP
        22 years ago

        Actually the driver I tried was a .INF file I created with CRU, when the TV was working, I saved the settings as an INF and was able to “update the driver” of the non-pnp display with that (has to figure out turning off signature verification for that one) and I thought it was working when I could restart and not see any changes, but I realized it was messed up from the start

        I greatly appreciate your time and assistance anyway!