I found this site a while back - basically it will ask you a bunch of questions on your usage of your PC, and will came out with a list of recommended distros, and a list of reasons why YOU could like or not like it.


There are some similar sites to this one, but since I’m not familiar with them, I won’t post them. They are simply DuckDuckGo-able though.

  • Eager Eagle
    2 years ago

    I think the idea is to rank them from most to least suitable based on your answers, not narrow down. Just pick the “top 3” if you want a smaller sample.

    Edit: this is not well documented, but it seems to be the case: the results are sorted based on the number of “reasons” to pick it according to your answers.

    • macallik
      12 years ago

      Yeah. If they want to keep the structure as is, they should score the results to make the compatibility levels more obvious