• norbert
    1 year ago

    DeSantis failed to note key details from her remarkable story: The person who tried to end Penny’s life in the womb was not a doctor or even an illegal abortion provider — it was her father. And his effort to abort his daughter with a coat hanger took place almost two decades before the Supreme Court’s seismic Roe v. Wade decision, which established a woman’s right to an abortion.

    So because there was a failed “basement” abortion in 1953, that’s proof that abortion should be banned completely?

    These people are clearly arguing in bad faith. They’ve built well-funded propaganda networks to radicalize their shrinking base all while bleeding them dry and pointing to the marginalized group of the week as the real boogeyman.

    It’s ludicrous at this point. They’re like cartoon villains.

    • @Clent
      131 year ago

      Just now figuring out that bad faith thing?

      Their voters don’t care about truth. They are emotionally driven morons. If it feels true then it’s true.

      Colbert did a whole persona around it.

    • @dragonflyteaparty
      101 year ago

      If anything, it’s proof that abortion should be legalized because of the horrific failure of the at-home attempt. These attempts scar, maim, and kill women. Abortion should be legal and safe. It’s also disgusting to so blatantly lie about someone’s story to further your agenda.

    • @pottedmeat7910
      51 year ago

      His followers don’t care. Heck, I’m surprised there was an actual person involved, and not just something he made up on the spot.