I think it’s been incredibly good.

It’s tough and rewarding. I’m stuck at the level where you fight the stealthed ACs right now so I am working on changing up my build, but I haven’t been excited by a game this much in a long while!

Can’t wait to climb the arena and try the multiplayer mode.

  • Pxtl
    1 year ago

    Haven’t gotten to Balteus yet but I’m loving it so far. Strongly recommend playing with KB+mouse if you’re able the gamepad controls are stupid – 4 attack buttons + 3 boost buttons and both sticks is poor design for a gamepad game, imho. I haven’t played an AC game since AC2, and that one I barely touched… But I was a hardcore obsessive AC1 fan, to the point of having 2 savegames with 100% of the parts of all 3 ac1 games 1 savegames with the “plus” cheats and 1 savegames played pure. AC1’s aiming and moving controls were bonkers, but the fact that they managed to fit all the actions onto 4 face buttons was better imho.

    I love the swordplay in this new game, and the cooldown based weapons. I’m disappointed the shopping UI hasn’t improved much in like 30 ish years – switching back and forth between the buy screen and sell screen and garage is such a ball-ache and I’m surprised it’s still a thing. Why can’t I just buy and sell and equip from the same screen?

    • @krewjew
      21 year ago

      Agreed, but I can tell I’m getting old because the frantic firing the shoulder weapons with q and e makes my hand ache

      • Pxtl
        21 year ago

        I’ve bound the shoulder weapons to my extra mouse buttons. I probably should re-bind the scroll-click as well because I never use the “lock” feature.