@startrek I just started following you so I haven’t had a chance to read many of your posts. I’m curious about your thoughts on “Strange New Worlds.” I think it’s the best Trek since TNG with the best first season of any series in the franchise.

  • Nmyownworld
    12 years ago

    I’ve only seen SNW season one. I will begin watching season two in the future.

    I think SNW has a very TOS vibe. With its greatest strength being the main cast. I enjoy the performances of all of those actors. Some of the stories in the episodes, while not weak, are the weakest part of SNW for me. I don’t think they always stick the landing (ending). “Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach” s1e6 stands out as an example of this. I think the story starts strong, very much a strange, new, world. But the, “what you’re doing it is wrong, we don’t like you anymore” ending left me cold.

    What I’d like to see is more “why” in such situations. Less, “because we are the Federation” as a catchall explanation. I think TOS was good, not perfect but good, at having and expressing the meaning behind their episodes. In season one, it was hit and miss for SNW. “Ghosts of Illyria” s1e3 is a great example of a well written story. Both the main story, and the two secondary stories, delivered. “The Serene Squall” s1e7 has a very emotional story at its core.

    I absolutely enjoy SNW, and recommend others view it. For a first season of ten episodes, I think it did well. The production staff – hair, costumes, sets, and more – did a wonderful job.