You may have heard of the “Countering Violent Extremism” program under DHS.

They’ve deployed the tactics used to fight terrorists against domestic citizens. For example, incels. When I posted on the web forum incels dot is, I didn’t know it was Department of Homeland Security operation against men who say they are romantically deprived. I didn’t know I was interacting with larping feds who encourage extremist rhetoric. Consequently I was put on a watchlist and am subject to intrusive monitoring.

I share a lot of my experience here.

My question is, my computer is hacked by them and they are privy to my computer activity – as in, right now, they’re seeing me type this post. How can I get these rats out of my computer? I just run Windows 11.

  • Goddard
    2 years ago

    Maybe you didn’t understand what I meant. Like I said, regardless of what circumstances you’re supposedly a part of, how and why would anyone on a public forum help you with a request like this? Just try to answer me two scenarios: a) if I do happen to know some magical way to make you invisible in the eyes of any security agency under the sun, how do I know that you’re not a security agent yourself, trying to sniff out potential criminals? And b) even if I do decide to tell you of some such magic cyber-wand, why would you trust it instead of thinking that I’m trying to hack your device even further?

    My point had nothing to do with what kind of person you are or what ideological fight you’re taking part in (meaning all the justifications for the same you provided above are meaningless here), all I’m saying is that your approach to getting help is misguided. As for what a better approach would be, I think a few other comments here point towards that.

    • MrHandOP
      2 years ago

      “how do I know you’re not a security agent yourself?” I am legit the only person willing to say = DHS. Would a security agent say that? = DHS. They’ve “interrupted” the incel scene, surreptitiously banned incel spaces in order to direct would be incel posters to spaces they control. The novelty of my perspective should give me credibility.