This place has roughly 3,000 people and was intended to be an entire replacement for DaystromInstitute and StarTrek as they were going dark indefinitely. Well, within 4 days the moderators have walked back those statements and opened both subreddits up. I see no incentive for people to come to this website now and while a few may come here in the future, most people will go to r/startrek with 600,000 people.

  • Nmyownworld
    342 years ago

    When r/startrek went dark, thought at the time to be forever, I came here. I wasn’t looking for a new reddit. I was looking for a new home to talk with other Star Trek fans. And, that is here. Now that r/startrek is back open, I’m still staying here. I like it here. I don’t see a need for an us versus them showdown. How many r/startrek accounts there are isn’t important to me. How active is c/startrek is important to me. And, I think c/startrek is doing well. With more Star Trek fans finding their way here.

    Do I think c/startrek is sustainable and will continue to grow? Yes. Because Star Trek fans tend to love interacting with other Star Trek fans, and with those new to Star Trek. I have my doubts about there being an all out rush back to r/startrek because the initial reason for leaving wasn’t a temporary oopsie, like a technical issue. It was, for me and likely others, because of Huffman’s actions and reactions. That was an eye-opener.

    I think on some level many people know that they are just commodities to for profit social medias. The end goal is to gather valuable data, and concentrate eyes on certain spots to sell ads. Monetization. There’s a facade in place. I think problems arise when that facade is frayed and torn. For me, Reddit’s facade is shredded.

    I like that here the main goal isn’t to target me with ads. And, I’m thoroughly enjoying the interactions here. Yes, there’s a lot to Lemmy I haven’t learned. Truth be told, I may never learn all or even most about it. However, it only took me a few minutes to figure out the most important things to me on c/startrek – how to read and make comments.

    Reddit is gonna Reddit. LLAP, c/startrek.

    • @[email protected]
      122 years ago

      It is incredibly refreshing to not be inundated with ads. Reddit absorbed all the web 1.0 communities one-by-one, then changed just slowly enough to boil the frog. The recent changes went overboard, rushing for the ipo. They showed their real hand. I won’t be going back.

      But at the same time, I don’t begrudge anyone who wants to stay there. Hopefully, they’ll find their way here, but if not I wish them all the best.