AGI, nanobots, fully autonomous self driving cars, cancer cures and aging cures, significant life extension, etc are all a long way off. Decades.

I’m not saying they’ll never happen, of course, just that we’re a long time away from them. I see way too many people thinking that these things are around the corner, and it makes me sad.

With regards to life extension especially (since i see a looooot of people think they personally will get to live forever), the odds of biotech and medicine advancing in our lifetimes to the extent that it facilitates biological immortality and indefinitely extended lifespans is slim to none at best. Go ask the actual experts if you don’t believe me.

The most we will see in our lifetimes is increased HEALTHspan, and tbh even that is iffy since we don’t even know if we will get even that.

In my opinion the first generations to experience significantly extended lifespans and age reversal probably haven’t been born yet. That’s how long i think it’s going to take.

  • @skhayfa
    1 year ago

    Maybe that’s because we are heading more towards a dystopian future.

    -We are heading towards a climate crisis where ecosystems will collapse, war will be fought for water sources, massive influx of refugees will head towards the north, food will be scarce, energy prices skyrocket and only the richest among us will be able to preserve their lifestyle.

    -Liberty will be more restricted, technology allows surveillance on a massive scale and AI prediction of crime will make you think twice before jaywalking.

    -Neo capitalism and profit extraction at all cost leads to people being sucked dry. Everything from housing, education, healthcare, energy become unaffordable for most yet profitable for the few. Who cares if no one lives in shiny condos as long as market prices keep rising. Who cares if most can’t afford an operation as long as the one who does spend million. Who cares if education is for the rich that will preserve the oligarchy.

    -war is more dangerous than ever for civilians, robots and drones are controlled by AI. War crimes are not even noted, they would have died of hunger or thirst anyway.

    -Authoritarism and small dominions rules over the world, any warlords can buy a swarm of deadly robots as long as you ship your primary resources.