• @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    If a train ticket is even 1.5x times the plane ticket, I’d pick the train ticket every time. Unfortunately it’s usually quite a bit more expensive.

    I don’t need all the idling, waiting in lines, baggage restrictions, expensive mediocre food, etc.

    • @Hikermick
      2 years ago

      I’ve done overnight Amtrak trips in a “Roomette”. My way of looking at it is the journey is part of the vacation whereas flying is the means to get you where you’re going. A cross country train trip can take a few days requiring multiple overnights. If you factor in what a hotel would cost plusmeals (Amtrak includes two meals a day) then that offsets the cost. Besides that you can carry on drinks and snacks plus you don’t have to pay a fee for luggage. I’ve met a lot of nice people on the train, it’s definitely a more civilized way to travel compared to the airline cattle cars. Though it won’t appeal to everyone It’s more for older people with a lot of spare time that always dreamed of driving across the US.

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        Amtrak is on my bucket list. I’m in Europe so I’m more familiar with international trains here.

        I quite love the relaxed mode of travel, though I’m yet to experience a night train though. I might hop on one of those new lines that are opening up across Europe. The ultimate dream of course is a system like China but with fewer human rights violations.

        • @Hikermick
          12 years ago

          After riding Amtrak you may feel like your human rights have been violated LOL. I joke of course, just know some routes are notorious for being late. Unlike Europe our train terminals aren’t always located in the center of town and if you miss a connecting train the next one may not be until the next day. Most people in the US don’t get much vacation time so this is another reason they avoid Amtrak.

          • @[email protected]
            22 years ago

            Yeah I just came back from a US trip a few weeks ago and considered NY to Washington, but ended up with a rental car for convenience. The DC metro system seems decent though.