As much as I enjoy having various limbs hacked off without so much as getting a good riposte in, I thought I should maybe learn how to not have a negative K/D ratio.

Any advice?

  • @Dedwin
    1 year ago


    That’s actually a pretty intuitive binding set up, i hadn’t heard anyone do it quite like that before. If I hadn’t already gotten muscle memory with default I’d be apt to try that out.

    Knight is my favorite class too, I run with the Longsword the most but have been branching out to include the Messer and Heavy Mace quite a bit as well.

    Countering is probably one of the more difficult moves to pull off consistently. I thought I more or less had the hang of them and started recording my gameplay to post some highlight videos online and realized I wasn’t hitting half the counters I thought I was lol. Was leading to losing a lot of stamina battles in FFA. Keep in mind you can change your counter attack all the way until your release phase starts and have success with counter feints, so if you’re quick enough you can adjust if your opponent fakes you out. But mostly it’s timing practice haha.

    Also, you really only NEED that counter to generate some stamina if you’ve been riposting a lot and not being able to get some hits in. If you’re in that 1vX scenario, sometimes it’s better to take the riposte rather than the counter to guarantee your active parry window if you have the stamina to pay for it. That active parry is key to 1vX fighting.

    Countering can also help fake your opponent out and is handy in that regard, but it can help to realize you don’t always HAVE to counter.

    I happened to stumble on this video a couple weeks ago and it’s a coaching session from Soter Dave and they go over counters quite a bit, may help with your timing or etc.

    As far as score goes, honestly if you aren’t running a class with warhorn or banner for the heals, it can be pretty difficult to stay in the top score-wise. You have to be killing consistently and at a pace for the score multipliers to add up, ie double kill/triple kill; kill streaks; dismembers and etc.

    My buddy and I still have convos about how much our score can tank the second we don’t have a healing utility on and how hard it is to stay above the score curve just killing and PTFO. We’re both in the mid 100s, rank-wise.

    Glad you’re making your comeuppance!

    • @RiskOP
      21 year ago

      Finally getting around to watching the video and OH MY GOD countering makes so much more sense when explained fully.

      I didn’t realise the enemies attack needed to hit within a specific time window of the animation (indicated by the yellow bars), so I just didn’t understand why my counters weren’t working most of the time.

      Really appreciate your help and directions!